Friday, July 27, 2012

Chapter 12 - Coming of Age

As both Noella and Kai have come of age and are now young adults, it was time for them to celebrate their graduation! Sharaya and Jimmy decided to get dressed in their best for the occasion.

Noella was also able to share this special day with her love Jefferson. Jefferson is obviously mad about Noella but she continues to take things slow and has not kissed him yet.

As all the graduates socialised outside, the special day took a turn for the worse when two graduation attendees died right in front of city hall! And to make it worse, they were both carrying babies at the time who were left alone crying on the steps of city hall. No one seemed to know what to do or how to react to this awful situation!

After the graduation ceremony, Noella had the urge to hit the Karaoke bar and sing some Karaoke despite being a technophobe. Once she gave her best performance, she soon decided to sabotage the system so she would not be tempted to use it ever again.

Family life also continues to go well for Sharaya, Jimmy and the two kids! Sharaya and Jimmy still love each other immensely and do their best to raise the children.

Both Ava and Akin has been taught how to walk and they look very cute strolling around the house amongst the adults!

The whole family also enjoys playing games with the two little ones and giving them lots of love and attention.

Sheldon even expressed his love of the little ones by painting a very special portrait of Ava to hang on the wall in the house. He has been very dedicated with his art career and has been making alot of money from his priceless paintings.

Noella has also decided to pursuit a career as a firefighter, following in the footsteps of her sister Sharaya.

A party was also thrown to celebrate Ava's birthday! All of their friends and family were invited to share in Ava's special day.

There was also a rare opportunity that day to capture a special family portrait with everyone in one room at the same time, except for Noella unfortunately. Dixie, Sharaya, Sheldon, Kai and Theodore all smiled for the lovely photo.

Ava aged up into a lovely young girl with gleaming light green eyes. She has gained the genius trait.

Also at Ava's party, the family were re-introduced to their little brother Phillip  who they last saw when he was a baby. He had also recently aged up into a child.

Noella also got a special surprise that day from a friend she hit it off with recently when she received a bunch of flowers. It looks as tho she may have another admirer and Noella is keen to find out more about him.

What a hectic few days it has been for Noella now that she is a young woman. Graduation, new job and a big party in a matter of days. The only way she knows how to cope with her hectic life is to turn to alcohol, which is a vice she continues to struggle with. If she isn't drinking it, she is thinking about it!

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to see all the family together. And that everything is going well with Sharaya. Is Kai up for download?
